6/30 The whole crew went on a super sweet ride, maybe my favorite of the whole camp. we did an hour road climb to the top of a mountain called Shauinsland, were there was a awesome view of everything. Then we went on a ripping fun descent.
7/4 Pre race day. went out with the whole crew, Lydia leading us on a ride you chose by looking at her map. up up up a paved road, Lydia wanted to find the trail she was looking for, so her and Bryce forged on, they ended up doing a bunch of hike-a-biking, not the best for for the day before a race, but what ever. Will, Davis, Kevin and I turned around and headed down the paved road. The boys were trying to do nothings (no hand or feet), pretty stupid I think, at least they didn't crash. Then we stopped at the park and took some turns on the zip line.
The course was really fun. It was really, only about 2km, and the pro women only did 5 laps, winning time was an hour. The start was on a little fire road climb that turned into double track, not very steep, but in the sun and really hot. There was a little dip into a creek bed then back out onto a fire road. Short descent on the fire road then a hard left into a single track climb. There was one switch back then a right onto a dirt road that took you into another section of single track (happened to be part of the Roscof, which we had been riding DOWN all week), this was the hardest part of the course, rocky and steep. At the top you got a little break, a single track smooth descent onto a fire road descent, before being shot back into a bit of a climb. At the top of the climb you funneled into a SWEET single track descent! Very twisty, and rooty and steep! You popped out of the woods at the bottom for a short section of road before a tight 180 over a bridge and the final stretch to the finish.
I started off with the elite women. I also ended up being put into the same category placing 6th (last but oh well they are elite) and winning 40 euros!!! It was pretty cool to line up with them and start with them even if they did drop me with in the first 30 seconds. The rest of the race I was pretty much by my self, but always pushing my self to see if I could catch some one, and also to try and not get lapped by the leader. I was so close to not getting lapped, but at the very end of my forth lap the leader caught me, I was finished. I was kinda bummed I didn't get to go out for my last lap. I guess I just have to ride faster. It was a really hard race, it was so short you had to go like you were racing a short track, but there were still some killer climbs, you were just killing it the whole time.
Chloe and Lydia had AMAZING races! Chloe placing 2nd and Lydia 4th about a minute behind.
Don't have pics from our race but I did take a lot from the boys race, who by the way did AWESOME, taking the full podium sweep, with Kevin 1st, Will 2nd, Davis 3rd, and Bryce 4th.
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